What do people see when they are with me? Do my words and actions point to Him? I love The Lord more than anything, more than I can explain using words. He is with me every second of every day. I owe Him everything.
The Sidewalk Prophets have such powerful songs. The one that I have referred to in the past is Live Like That. It is a very beautiful, challenging song. It always brings me back to realizing that my words and actions are to reflect Him.
"What will people say of me, when I am only just a memory. When I'm home where my soul belongs..." I have been blessed with knowing that my life is fragile, temporary, limited. It is true about all of us but my blessing is knowing that I am still on earth because of medications. So, I have spent a lot of time making sure that people know how important they have been to me, and, that God is with me thru this time.
Daily reflection makes me evaluate what people saw during the day and did it point to Him. The exciting part is watching who The Lord brings into my day. Sometimes we can be aware of a person needing encouragement but other times we might not know who we have touched. Which then brings me back to what do people see...?