Friday, January 20, 2012

Watch Out, Wind Ahead

While sitting and reflecting about my relationship with God this week, a little green hummingbird flew by testing the few flowers that were in the yard. Winds were gusting, grey clouds were in the sky, and the rain was coming. Yet, this tiny bird was still doing its job: gathering nourishment.

In western Washington, snow, ice, freezing rain, and wind have taken their toll this week. In San Jose and the Bay area, rain and wind are going to be pelting us for a few days. This storm system has left people without electricity and flooded several areas. But, many people up north went to work if they were able to get out of their neighborhoods. For those stuck in their houses, they still did their job of nourishing their children and themselves.  Some helped shovel cars out of the snow and others helped sandbag around homes and businesses.  Those who were able brought warm meals to elderly people.

When other types of storms come into our lives, we can remain Yesterday and today, my body has been weak, but, for one hour last night, I was able to go walk in the mall. It was a little walk but it was still exercise for me. Yesterday was a good day!  Why? Because I received a gift from God that evening. I love His touch. I love seeing His presence.  I love hearing Him in nature.  The energy, the hummingbird, the rain on the window are all signs of His love.

“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise,
like a person who builds a house on solid rock. 
Though the rain comes in torrents
and the floodwaters rise
and the winds beat against that house,
it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock.
Matthew 7:24 - 25  NLT

Your home won't collapse, if it is built on bedrock, a strong foundation.

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