Friday, October 22, 2010

Another New Phase

Today I met with my oncologist to go over the results of a PET Scan and CT Scan. In a few days I will also have a MUGA Test which is to observe the heart. The two reports showed something on one of my lungs. It could be pneumonia or the kidney cancer has spread. Both are treatable because they were discovered early.

Last week one of the oncology nurses asked me what I felt I had learned this past year. We had been discussing spiritual growth. I told her that I wasn't sure...but a few days later it dawned on me that what has been a reoccurring theme has been to trust God because He has a plan. He has a plan for me. He has a plan for my life. He has a plan for those around me too. That is where my peace comes from...He loves me more than any person is capable of loving. He knows what is best. That is peace!